How to break free from the "I'm just getting old" syndrome
Ask anyone who knows me well, the declaration of, “I’m just getting old” is like nails on a chalk board. It doesn’t have to be this way! You can absolutely feel great well beyond your 3rd decade of life. I’ve seen it happen with my clients. You can do it, too. Dealing with your aches, pains, and strains from multiple angles is the key.
First, let’s confront some hard realities: As we age, we do heal more slowly. Our cells just don’t divide at the rate that they used to. We’ve held on to unhealthy habits for too many years. Plus, we are working against many years of environmental toxins. Equally as true though, our bodies were designed to heal themselves. They simply need the tools and environment to do so. Here are a few ways that you can tap into your body’s innate capacities to heal from your aches, pains, and strains so that you can live a healthful life.
Give your body the resources it needs
Those resources are contained in what you eat. This is the most influential choice we make in regards to how our bodies heal. When we have more of what restores and less of what harms, our body’s internal environment operates more effectively. No need to get into the nitty gritty of special diets because my advice is simple: eat at least 6 servings of fruits or vegetables each day. They are packed with all of the things your body needs to heal optimally. Time and time again I have seen client’s joint pain, tendon injuries, muscle strains, and nerve issues notably improve by making a commitment to this change.
Free your mind
Manage your stress! Stress profoundly interferes with physical healing. The evidence on this is robust. Not only does it interfere with tissue on a physiological level, it also impairs our sleep which is when most of the healing occurs. That’s a double whammy! So it’s not hard to see why our body might have a hard time healing a musculoskeletal injury when under stressful conditions. If you want to learn more about just how stress affects healing, check out my previous blog on this very topic here.
Rehab, rebuild, maintain
Hire an experienced physical therapist to help you overcome your aches, pains, and strains by getting down to the root cause. Slapping on an ice pack, popping a pain pill, or getting a steroid injection doesn’t address the biomechanical source. Chances are, all of your musculoskeletal problems are very related. Getting a thorough assessment will pave the way for a comprehensive solution. Be prepared to invest in the process and work hard. Then when your problems are resolved, see your physical therapist yearly to keep things in check.
Seems straightforward, right? Obviously implementing these strategies is a commitment…but if you are reading this then you clearly don’t shy away from investments in your health. If you want expert help in your pursuit, give me a call or shoot me an e-mail. I’m here to help you reclaim your active, healthy, and flourishing life.